Varrodz = the husband & wife photography duo Ronny Van der Haegen and Olga Zueva, very first meeting was in Kiev, Ukraine, not by accident but absolutely aware after so many mails, text and phones. Olga Zueva moved from Minsk, Belarus to Belgium, learn language and update education. Photography started many years when they bought a camera Nikon D3300. Ronny started school education for photographer and Olga became a model (TFP BASE) to have some experiance. Together working on different levels to develop and create their own human approach to make unique portraits of men, woman and couples , fine-art, artistic nude, boudoir, glamour, fashion, portraits, woman & style photography. The rest is history made by husband and wife. Now Olga is only model by occacion. Together we made thousands of images, some of the results we will share. 
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